Not until lately have I understood the importance of expressing. It is important to express your confidence and knowledge in an interview. It is equally important to tell someone you love how much you love them. Actions speak as well, and words do so too. Don't be like the Suri Jee of Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi and assume that your Taani ji would know how much you love her. On a side note I think it would have been perfectly fair for Taani if she chose to go away with her Raj partner. Telling and doing something for someone you love makes them feel really special. It's an on-top-of-the-world feeling, and I don't think that there is a reason why the feeling shouldn't be conferred upon the one you love...
I don't mean I have to be told everytime that I am being loved... it's easy to see when there's something to see...
There's a peculiar kind of satisfaction that one gets by doing something for someone they love. I am writing on this topic after a long time I think... too early? too late? should i? should i not? oh well! life's a weird mystery isn't it? and love takes the top spot in the list..
Losing my cool!!
5 years ago