She had to work at this coffee shop whenever they had an extra slot to fill in. She really needed the money that she was making. It wasn't an inexpensive living there.
It was summer time and she was working a night shift. The clock was almost striking 15 minutes past 3 when Ken walked in. He was a regular at the coffee shop. They had a brief chit-chat for a few moments. Ken's forehead depicted those extra lines, typical of a worried mind.
"So what's up? Are you OK?"
"Umm... Oh... Yea. I am fine. I am fine. Just a very trying day."
"Oh". Meanwhile, she prepared his extra-large black coffee with two sugars. As he was paying his eyes welled up.
"I am sorry - I have no money to give you as tip today."
She smiled. "That's absolutely fine."
"The job market is pretty bad. People out there make you work more than what they pay you for, if you find a job that is. I have had to sleep in my car for the last one night, and I have no more money on me".
"Oh! I am very sorry to hear that. I hope things turn out to be better for you".
A long pause. A very silent tear. And finally words to shatter the silence.
"I feel very bad at having to ask you this, but would you happen to have a $20 bill? I promise to pay you back once I get money. This guy 2 blocks south of us has offered me a job, and I hope to get the money in a couple of days from now."
She just could not say no. "Oh! That's OK. If at all I can be of any help". She goes inside the small room that was meant for employees to keep their belongings and reached for her wallet.
Was he lying? Is he making it all up? Will he return her money ever? Is he tricking her? Will he ever come back to the coffee shop?
And not to forget, those were the queries of a bewildered thinking mind. Hers was a mind that was well trained to take over her decisions. But there were also those few times when her heart convinced her to overrule the decisions of her mind. Today was just one of those days.
Worse comes to worse, she would need three more hours of work to get those twenty dollars back. She had a job, and her employer wouldn't say no to her willingness to work for an extra three hours a week. She wasn't as much in need of the twenty dollar bill that was lying idle in the wallet in that small room at the moment.
Alright, so it was all decided. She grabbed the twenty bucks, went out and handed the bill to Ken. "It's OK. Things are going to get better soon. Do not lose hope. And keep the money till whenever you feel you are not in a position to return it".
His voice was breaking down - Kindness wasn't all kicked out of this world. "I cannot thank you enough. I will pay you back in two days from now, and if you aren't working, I will give it to whoever is working here". Saying that, he walked out of the coffee shop.
A week went by. She had begun to forget that she had given twenty dollars to some guy who seemed to be in need. She was still deciding whether it was strange that he hadn't returned to the coffee shop ever since, or was it so obvious for every one except her.
Anyway, the missing twenty bucks hadn't changed much in her life. Life continued as usual.
Business was booming at the coffee shop. The summer sun was on the verge of drowning and autumn was setting in. One day, as she went back to her usual job, her co-worker handed her $22 and a piece of paper. She was surprised, "What is this?"
"Oh! A tall guy with a strong build and a blondish beard came a couple of hours ago and told me to hand this to you. He said it was yours and left you this letter."
The letter read:
Hi There!
Hope life for you is as beautiful as your heart is. Thank you so much for the money that you lent a stranger in his times of need. I had ended up with a job in Winnipeg, and there was really no time to make you aware of my changed circumstances. I was in Toronto for a family affair, and thankfully, hadn't forgotten to repay you. And if the extra two dollars surprise you, it's the tip for the coffee that I got from you on the night of my supposed-doom. And for the light of hope that you lit around me. And for the most cheerful smile on the most needy day of my life.
Perhaps, your faith in the righteousness of your heart might have shook because of no news from me. I still hope that this letter of mine will find your faith in heart's decisions revived...
Lot's of prayers your way from a person who'd be in your debt forever...
Losing my cool!!
5 years ago
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