Thursday, September 4, 2008

The beginning

I am extremely tired. I know I haven't written anything sensible in the past some days. I haven't really been in the mood yet. Plus everyday I get so tired... I wonder why Toronto wasn't this tiring ever... And I haven't started studying as well... Grad school doesn't give vibes like those of an undergrad school... It seems much harder. There's stuff that I really need to get done ASAP, but I cannot even get to start them.

Anyway, besides the tiredness, there's so much that I want to talk about. I am missing Toronto a lot, specially today. It's one of those days today... I am so glad RA's been talking to me really really frequently, and listening to all the crap that I have to say. I am so thankful for having him around. I wish I made friends fast...

I think people in Ottawa a lot more friendlier and helpful than they are in Toronto. If they are unable to help you with reaching some-building, they feel so sorry, as if not knowing and not being able to help you was all their mistake (I experienced this a couple times...). They talk more, and smoke less... and they are not allowed to smoke in the approximate distance of 10 m from the entrance doors to uni buildings, which I think is absolutely amazing. The roads do not seem as simple and straight as Finch E or Finch W, and Yonge N or Yonge S. It might be a while before I get to understand the curves and turns. And yes, I am not saying Ottawa is better than Toronto - it isn't; it lacks my family and friends yet...

There was this trip to the Art Gallery that was organized by Grad Student Association today, and I went there. This Art Gallery is soooo much better than the Art Gallery of Ontario that they have in Toronto. There's also this bus tour of Ottawa tomorrow, which I may attend.

Coming to studies, well, honestly, I am most likely going to sleep right after posting this. Gawwwd give me some more time... Where is all the time one has as a student??? It will be a while before I adjust to everything...

Good night world!
11:12 p.m.

Mood of the moment: Homesick
Song of the moment: Hum rahein ya na rahein kal ...

1 comment:

Satish said...

hmmmmm... So finally Ottawa is making you feel tired and you go to sleep early...

Sounds good for a change, I can already see the difference. And I am sure You will make friends very soon and get into the mood of Ottawa....

Keep updating ur blog, someone is stalking you through your blogs :D